Stellaris do robots need amenities. It's not enough for a planet's worth. Stellaris do robots need amenities

 It's not enough for a planet's worthStellaris do robots need amenities I'm fairly new so need a few tips on what to do with empty build slots and the different buildings

It is in the Ethics circle - the icon in the exact middle. -The war exhaustion and influence doesn't make up for the new major bonuses for ethics. You can't get the benefits of both at the same time in the same species. 0" mod fixes that by letting you turn migration controls off on robots/machines. [deleted] • 2 yr. Stellaris others ethics are nicely done, because they are vague enough to allow some freedom of interpration for the player. The excess amenities will still give a small boost to productivity, and the Holo Theater will produce a good amount of Unity on the side, and then you don't need to rip down and replace the building later. Districts are not meant to be more efficient, they are meant to provide you with jobs you want without population requirement like buildings do. They do however receive the malus from negative amenities. 2nd if I got something like Robot assembly. 2. • 3 yr. If a pop is free, sentient and unemployed, they have a 10% (5% on beta) to resettle each month. Temple / Gene clinic provide amenities with some extra goodies. Free amenities+constantly growing buffer for fast resettlement considering you can't resettle egalitarians easy. +10% pop growth and +habibility isn't worth much as so few pops will have a low pop growth and increasing production and reducing upkeep of 3 pops that don't produce resources is pointless and you don't need the amenities. 75, and non-citizen Robots require 0. For example, if you choose autonomy and affection ethics with Bug Branch, your hive-minds pops become practically independently sentient, requiring consumer goods and reactivating their happiness mechanic. Of course, I'm slowly losing hoping that Stellaris will be worth investing more money in any time soon. Red_Crystal_Lizard. Beyondlimit • Synth • 5 yr. Stellaris Wiki Active Wikis. And giving the robots citizen rights kinda defeats their purpose if you play as an organic civ. 42 Badges. 5: you dont need it, it just incress new robot pop rates. Nexus Districts also give you housing. Select the species rights page, then select "robot," then "military service," then "full military service" (or "soldiers only" if you don't want robot leaders). This mod should be added before the game has started. Since this civic changes the way amenities are normally generated, robots can be a huge drain on your planetary amenities. So basically "get gene clinic and do not care about amenities till you have 15 pops" vs "get holo-theathres and do not care about amenities for 25 pops". Never played Plantoid. Spiritualists are the most defined in terms of Stellaris lore and leave the least room for interesting role-play outside of it. The need to have tons of pops just. 8. actually, the only civs i've played that needed lots of amenity buildings were gestalts. Doesnt seem super important. While habitats are good, it’s probably better to be funding colony ships. 1. A nexus district give 3 maintenance jobs for 15 amenities per district. You just need to hit zero, although low positives is better than low negatives. Low amenities reduces happiness (-2% per missing amenity) which lowers pop approval rating, reducing stability and increasing crime. Greater production of useful resources, better early-game pop growth, no need to micromanage the nonsensical demands of annoying factions to keep your Influence gain high, Machine/Hive Worlds, and in the case of machines, 100% habitability literally everywhere. I'm literally doing this in a playthrough. ago. 4) If stability is too low, slaves are very likely to rise up, and throw the planet into chaos, or even full rebellion. Of course, in order to do that you’ll need a good supply of minerals. What pops are working the farming jobs and have one of them selected to see their traits 2. 3 change to habitats, being able to colonize with xenos due to migration pacts and the new Baol precursor race make. emotion emulators, that +5% amenity tech and -10% amenity usage from tradition, as well as the prosperity finisher (1 maintenance drone per 20 pops). Chose the moss covered robot with a disk for a head to be the. If charismatic trait and maintenance drones are the only answeres, then, yes, it seems that Gestalt Hive do need more pop dedicated to amenities than other designs. The drawback is slow pop growth, and everything seems more expensive. But as things stand right now in 3. Synthetic Ascension robot traits. Edit: I know drone storage and silos give amenities, but only a tiny amount. Generally I specialise planets to have one output focus. Organic empire that can use robots-- build a robot assembly plant. Robot armies are great for early game armies because they are immune to morale damage (0 morale in an army = -75% army damage output in that army!) and robot armies getting defeated. You need a decent start and a way to not stagnate in the mid to late game as empire size adds up. The robots don't care one way of the other and they produce more than regular pops. . Other than that, look at what you're lacking. 2; Reactions: Reply. After. I always kinda find amenities as a resource kinda dumb since you only need just enough and after that anymore is pretty much useless. Non-sentients, however do not have the ability to choose. Despite the hype, robots aren't actually an asset for early-game economies. No shit they need them, that doesn't mean you need to fill every job. 4 [282d] What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? Synthetic Dawn, Utopia, Leviathans Story Pack, Apocalypse. If your robots are Uncanny, then Maintenance drones only provide 3. Prosperous Unification will have roughly +15% to. Hive minds need genetic ascasion 2 in order to intergrate other organic's and have no use for robots. Also, incubators is a must, gives you more pop growth than any of the other pop growth traits. 161. They are still solved via a single Policy (AI Rights nowadays) and do not properly use the Species Rights System. The massive increases in growth that the other paths give mean psychic has a hard time measuring up. Is there any way to manage robots now and, if not,. The +1 leader capacity is non-trivial, and offers exceptional leader stacking potential. What pops are working the farming jobs and have one of them selected to see their traits 2. Sentinels provide 2 jobs that, together, reduce Deviancy by 40. Traits. Robots, droids and synths are the exact same "species", the only difference is your technology. 5. High amenities can boost stability. It generally is a lot better than materialist unless you go all in for a robot society or technocracy (with robot ascension being the best perk in the game). I apologize for the incorrect information in my previous response. 85 via research + the Vultaum relic. Sometimes if you conquer a habitat that an AI built it won't have any other district options to provide jobs and unlock building slots, but that's the only case you would ever consider them. Stellaris had always been about SciFi clichés, but they have missed a big one there, the Mechanicus from 40K. 3. In order to steer their fledgling civilization safely across the stars, players will need to constantly. The game omits both robot and organic maintenance cost in the sense of it. They don't seem any good Pops directly translate to power in Stellaris (more pops means better economy, better economy means better research and military), having. Thus, the servitors could fulfill their desire of protecting of more organics without the need of force. (Full bonus starts decreasing by 1% per pop at your 8th pop, -10% is reached at 48) Non-Adaptive is also a free take for void dwellers. The shown amenities value is the available amenities value, or the surplus. Ensure you’re utilizing them effectively. Yes, robots are very OP in 2. Biological is technically better when it comes to slave management but it's your. 4 Consumer Goods needed per Robot Population per month depending on Living Standards. Stellaris: Suggestions. In order, the best government authorities in Stellaris are; Oligarchic, Imperial, Hive Mind, Corporate, Dictatorial, Machine Intelligence, and Democratic. There are multiple types of trade possible, each having different mechanics, and all play a large impact on the economy. Meanwhile slavery always remained a strong option but a bit micro intensive. This is true, but gestalts robots also have superior population assembly to other empires. 1 Amenity needed per Robot Population. Slaves do not exist to non-slave pops. Stellaris is an incredible sci-fi strategy game, so it just makes sense that there are robots you can develop for your Empire! If the species you're controlling during the game just won't. it's going to be an issue. Clone vats are a simple 33% growth bonus in current stellaris. ) So yes: You'll need to get your holo-theater as 3rd, instead of you're 4th building and you'll take a small stab hit at 9 pops. The second thing to take into account is that, unless you take the Droids and Synths techs, Robots can only do basic level jobs. In return the other empire would get robot pops, to avoid making this too op, they would only be able to work as domestic servants (makes amenities) and would not be able to rebel/contribute to a rebellion. Once you go into negative maintenance you lose stability really quickly. If stability is 50 or below, increase amenities higher. 0 unless otherwise noted. They have some small benefits, but are just REALLY inefficient in terms of "yields per pop", An entertainer produces 2. So I need to move over robots that were working productive jobs just to provide amenities for the biotrohies (because it's gonna take 6 years to build new robot pops) Now, one of the main things about biotrophies are that they increase the output of other workers. SmartForARat • Necrophage • 2 yr. 5 organic pop growth bonus. The pop growth is too small to matter given how poor the amenity output is. culture worker is one of the worst jobs in the game, 3 unity and 3 useless society research for 2 cg, it's very expensive. Stellaris Wiki Active Wikis. Robots cannot colonize planets. Unless they need amenities or housing I'll only build alloy foundries on forgeHabs, civ industries on indHabs, and so on. +10% pop growth and +habibility isn't worth much as so few pops will have a low pop growth and increasing production and reducing upkeep of 3 pops that don't produce resources is pointless and you don't need the amenities. 7. As of 3. Chattel slaves can only do worker jobs but a have small buff to their productivity. Boring. 28. 1 Answer. An in-depth description from a player perspective of all the DLCs currently available for Stellaris, sorted in order of importance. Emotion emulators means you need fewer robots on maintenance duty, which means you can have more robots assigned to producing resources. As time passes on the % chance for death will increase on a per year basis, escalated to 2% per month after 20 years. I very often don't need to build a entertainer building because the gene clinic along with the leaders often give me enough amenities to keep the population happy. Basic robots have a weight factor of 200x towards those jobs which far exceeds anything that your biological pops could get for them, as well as far exceeding the robots' weight for the technician job. Your void pops with 100% stability will easily produce almost 3 times more than base production. Mostly because they can grow pops very fast at the start of the game. g. Bio trophies don't use up housing so the housing the districts provide are more than enough. This page was last edited on 11 February 2020, at 18:14. Once you have a strong supply then you can start creating specialized planets. Being short on Amenities has a much bigger impact as having excess Amenities. Replicators costing alloys for upkeep doesn't matter since at the point you Synth ascend you likely already produce hundreds of alloys. Evidently, the code checks for machine intelligences and ascended synths, but not for robots in otherwise-organic empires. Keep planet capacity high enough for maximum logistic growth bonus. thenewsheogorath. The growth is completely independant, so the robot assembly plant gives +2 growth to planet. You need to make yourself likeable to avoid needless war. Maintenance drones, medical jobs are what we have. Nightmyre Apr 22, 2020 @ 2:44pm. Hive minds don’t have factions or happiness but they do need to maintain proper amenities for their pops, which grow far far faster than conventional pops. Astral Planes Ownership Hotfix Released - checksum (462c) 4:34am. You need alloys. Yes they do, they influence migration. 1, machine empires (except driven. Robots should elimiate the decadence malus, since they can be used as servants which the decandent crave. 5 amenities as robot-servants. You may need to manually set maintenance drone priority on colonies, especially in the early game, to make sure you are getting enough. Mate, I tried servitors because tall dreams, holy potatoes was that the biggest slog I've ever experienced. Traits. 152. This is how I won my first game. Granted that Servitude Robots will never be as productive as biological pops, I am aiming to exploit their only advantages: super low maintenance cost and 200% Habitability. I'm doing a wide genetic ascension path run and if I give my robots citizens rights it's going to break my economy with all the consumer goods needed, not to mention the housing. They give very few jobs, and the jobs they do provide are low-value. maybe you would need one temporarily on low habitability worlds (until. In this discussion, I will outline why I think a non-devouring swarm, hive mind is one of the best ways to play Stellaris. Every 100 growth required is 200 alloys, 500 energy, and 50 pop-months that the robots have to make up. Here are our Stellaris tips to help you out. While we're definitely not getting any pop growth anymore because housing is so overcrowded, the two roboticists will still produce more synths to. For Hive Minds, when you need amenities you can either employee Maintenance Drones which are just clerks but even worse, or you can use a building slot to make the Unity building which also grants amenities. Random anomalies can generate a great variety of planet modifiers but those usually do not have any effects. Feb 28, 2019. Building synths is playing with fire, because there's. If your robots are Uncanny, then Maintenance drones only provide 3. This allows you to better handle economy changes, and gives you more room to move pops around when you conquer AI and need to completely rebuild their planets. Legacy Wikis. 4] [282d] Game Version v3. 6. It is really unfortunate that this is so incredibly exploitable. Zergor. The5lacker Banned. Memorialist can boost stability. This article is mainly aimed at newcomers, or at least past players returning after a long break, but hopefully even veteran players will be able to. 2) Survey Black Holes until you spawn the anomaly Rainbow in the Dark. 8 Maintenanec Depots, 7 Sentinel Posts, 75 pops (Assume the remaining jobs are filled by districts). Dunno. ago. This time I was roleplaying as an ancient, pragmatic but ultimately benevolent artificial intelligence. They (Paradox) can, and arguably should, leave the inability to give robots Full AI Rights (barring e. It makes large empires, especially mega corps, crippling. Emotion Emulators: +20% Amenities from Jobs Double-Jointed: −10% Pop Housing Usage Repurposed Hardware: –25% Leader Experience Gain When playing as. Once you go into negative maintenance you lose stability really quickly. Full list of future changes for Stellaris AI after patch 3. For the most part, most players don't really have a problem with the game's basic visuals, but there are bound to be some exceptions to this. Trait. Outlawing robotic workers will dismantle all robots within an empire. Tier II, Droids, can take all Specialist jobs except Researcher. It works automatically, same for synths. Memorialist can boost stability. With respect amenities is vague reference to medical help, since it comes from entertainment building. You also might be able to improve your fleet design. It’s absolutely required. Oh ok got it. People who want their copy of Stellaris to look as beautiful as possible should opt for the Beautiful Universe v2. At -3 as amall effect. I don't know how most people play this game but I for one play it as this interactive sf story maker. It's about the Mechanics Origin specifically. So by the time you can do synth ascension they are simply too powerful. This doesn't happen when I play but to verify I'll need some screenshots of the following: 1. A good way to ensure they don’t is to play as a materialist or to not take the advanced robot techs. They work somewhat like housing, in that supply and demand are calculated separately for each planet, but most of your Amenities will be created by pops holding suitable jobs and not by your. If you're making it a foundry world, it might be best to just use the rest of the building slots for housing buildings. One of your farming robots so their traits are shown 3. Also, techs are separated into tiers. They are a different population so you can have a regular pop and a robot pop growing at the same time. Robot and machine species do not consume food, instead they consume energy. Megacorp is a way to be a massive galactic powerhouse as tall because with branches you aren't using pops for resources. Greater production of useful resources, better early-game pop growth, no need to micromanage the nonsensical demands of annoying factions to keep your Influence gain high, Machine/Hive Worlds, and in the case of machines, 100% habitability literally everywhere. Droids. Domestic servants literally free up building slots from amenities production, that's a easy +1-2 useful buildings per colony. If habitability is very low, you can consider waiting to get another species in your empire that can better colonize it, or until it can be terraformed. If you really want to, you can go to the jobs tab and simply disable the Roboticist jobs. I guess amenities are generally anything comfort related. But the robot factory just kept spewing out robots and soon Earth was short on housing and jobs. IRL it's easier to shield robots from space (AFAIK, just need a cooling system and protection from static buildup) than from planetary air and water (try using your phone or laptop outdoors during a rainstorm). you need to set the Government Policy to allow Robots first, then you can build them. 5) Secure your empire and turtle. Pops have a base amenity requirement of 1 Amenities, slaves require 0. There is really no reason to use gene clinics at all. My currently idea would be to make them building based, instead of pop-and job based. For sapient robots it would be made 0. Between the 2 alloys and 5 energy and 1 pop upkeep per robot factory, it takes any given planet's robot factory about 40-50 years to break even on the investment cost. Usually my build order as RS is Assembly, then the Bio-Trophy Building if my pets can. For organics without consumer goods, they take a 50% penalty to research and to unity production. If you still need amenities then take the hit and shift slaves to Domestic Servitude to get them off of the unemployed pops. Make us decide between growing Robots or Organics in the 2nd pop slot and you will immediately give players more options which should have been in the game. Robot Assembly Complex +2 Roboticist −8 −2: 600 800 100 Robotic Workers policy is. Alloy, Living Metal, Nanites, and Zro deposits are collected passively, not lost. Isn't it better to brute force amenities using entertainers instead? Your rulers mainly produce unity, which is affected by low habitability, so most of their output will be wasted. What pops are working the medical worker jobs and again one of them selected to show traitsYou want slightly above 0 income of resources like food or consumer goods that mainly get used for upkeep. While basic robots will contribute toward unemployment, there is a way around it short of selling your robots on the slave market - if you modify them to have the "Domestic Protocols" trait, any unemployed robot pops will immediately be granted the Servant job, which provides +5 amenities for the planet. It will create some Maintenance Drone jobs & they will produce amenities. Compared to carbon-pops trying to colonize 60% habitability planets, lithoids need -20% upkeep+amenities and give +20% job output. ago. Surely job weights should be recalculated when amenities go negative due to growth, or a new building is constructed? In fact, shouldn't pop growth cause job allocations to be recalculated? Atm these 'optimisations' have introduced serious bugs where planets will sit at negative amenities for extended periods, while having entertainer jobs idle. (modified by 1% per habitability below 100%) So, let's do the math: Pops/Amenity Demand: Net Amenities(the number you see)/Total Amenities. entertainers (especially slave entertainers) are ok for unity as they cost. Upcoming dlc story pack with Space Rift anomalies to add new events in. You need consumer goods. Stellaris Wiki Active Wikis. Their resource districts give an extra job. 75, and non-citizen Robots require 0. Then, all you have to do is build a Robot Assembly Plant on a planet. The main pro is the +10% robot output. I never need planets as they cannot compare to the productivity of my habitats. The Death Chance is shown to show how likely it is they will need to be potentially replaced. Its not necessary. They may be positive, negative or mixed, identified by the color of the modifier's border. Robots, droids and synths are the exact same "species", the only difference is your technology. So the first issue is that MEs always have shortages of stability and amenities in this patch. War Doctrines are gated behind the Supremacy Tree. Another easy setup is to go for an Agricultural Habitat. I'm playing spiritual - militaristic - xenophobe dictatorship with disabled slavery. Low stability is what reduces resources from jobs (-1% per stability below 50) 1. Depending on which ascension path you go down, you could have higher outputs from robots compared to organics. City districts provide maintenance drone jobs which are your source of amenities. Robots get the unique 3 point trait for a generic +5% output, which is great if you are modifying the whole species. Stellaris has a variety of archaeological sites that can provide valuable rewards such as artifacts, relics, and empire-wide modifiers. slaves (D. Search titles only. Also I hate that I can't just produce any more of my original race and I have to produce normal robots (synths) that can't be given full citizenship rights. A thrall world is something you can only get if your empire practices slavery. The math might even make luxurious + build speed + minerals and energy a good start e. A robot factory's 2 alloys a month/5 energy upkeep mean that it will take about 40 years to pay itself off, but healthcare workers can be direct substitutes for your colonists (producing the same amenities) while also boosting both growth speed and habitability. You can filter by species. Emotion emulators means you need fewer robots on maintenance duty, which means you can have more robots assigned to producing resources. Business, Economics, and Finance. Fully-developed planets can be outright ignored. ago. 8 (aka "Gemini") was released on 2023-05-09 alongside the Galactic Paragons expansion. We tried 0,25 habitable planets in the galaxy with no guaranteed worlds in multiplayer. To increase Amenities as a Machine empire, you will need to employ Maintenance Drones (you can get more of these jobs from Nexus districts) or by. This article has been verified for the current PC version (3. It's a place for breeding your slaves and has quite significant pop growth. Install domestic protocols with robomodding and they'll produce amenities with no buildings if they'd otherwise be unemployed. 2 amenities). Pick robot or organic assembly and just use that one. Prior to 2. ago. then turn on Planetary Automation and never think about that planet again. Then i build what i really need like worlds with at least 2-3 districts of a kind get the corresponding ressource building (mineral purification plant, energy hub or food processing plant). Ascetic civic and networked amenities edict. ago. Slaves are cheaper to maintain and there are a number of ways to improve their production. If you still need amenities then take the hit and shift slaves to Domestic Servitude to get them off of the unemployed pops. Amenity-producing jobs are all on a lower job tier instead of on a higher tier when you’re a robot empire so balancing out amenity-producing jobs is more of a challenge. After base amenities upkeep is determined, it can be modified by species, planet, or empire modifiers. Futurama - Bender’s apartment. or do i build gene clinic on those worlds first Don't build gene clinics, they are one of the worst buildings in the game. 3 amenities on 20% habitability will only be enough for themselves and 2 other robot pops. -Robots dont get any growth speed that is integral for your capital and making colonies useful. They're just tools to be used to work jobs. The console version is a little bit behind and robots cannot work Technician jobs in the old version. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. First off, the Synthetic tech gives +10% robot production. Surprised that you think Superconductive and Repurposed Hardware is good picks tbh. SmartForARat • Necrophage • 2 yr. , as organic pops will use less too. Seems pretty damn good although I have yet to check the actual difference. This will grant you enough jobs and housing. Dont take other other worlds. Since robots do not live under the Dystopian living standards, they still require 0. • 2 yr. Idyllic bloom, masterful crafters. 2 per Job with the Versatility Tradition. Cyborgs count as bios, not robots; they always cost food for as long as they're cyborgs, and won't cost energy unless later converted into full synths. • Amenities Production : +5%. Do the same penalty for robots, but for 0 energy credits. Jul 23,. S. or like idk say average player's organic empire runs at 60% efficiency id say the same player would run a machine empire at 90%. 5 amenities per robot. In Stellaris where snowballing leads to more snowballing, this is incredibly strong. You still need to care about amenities if you are a robot empire, and also crime (but it’s Deviancy). Slight to Sharp increase on energy. Superconductive: +15% Energy Credits from Jobs. Legacy Wikis. 5) The prosperity tradition tree! DON’T OVERLOOK THIS!The penalty for low Amenities is higher than the bonus for high Amenities. None of the authorities have enough impact on the game to be a bad choice. No exceptions. 1. tech is king in Stellaris. Robots get the unique 3 point trait for a generic +5% output, which is great if you are modifying the whole species. You need to give them Citizen’s Rights or take Flesh is Weak to prevent rebellion. If you do well, you can hit +10 growth for the bio pops, so the robots are +20% growth rate. ) It soft-caps productive pops however. (Note: patch 3. - 0. If I make a single basic robot with no traits, it almost costs as much to give it mining drill with robomodding as it cost to research the robot tech. This means that it can be very worthwhile to stay out of penalty, but the benefits of surplus amenities just aren't worth it. You probably will not need many agri-worlds. So, if you play Residents, you have to really micromanaging Species as well. Fanatic Spiritualist, authoritarian Dry world. 5 times the Amenities (plus 2 unity for 1 consumer good), and on most planets you'll meet your needs with one upgraded holo theatre. no need to build fortresses unless the planet is at risk of getting invaded or you want more naval capacity, No need to build holo-theaters unless you need amenities, No need to build precinct houses unless you have crime In general, the first thing you build is a clone vat, or robot assembly building, if you have it. Hi, I might be missing something obvious but neither Slaves nor 'free' Residents seem to be getting the bonus to happiness with positive amenities. Amenities are the stuff that makes pops happy, like flat screen TVs and movies. People will always find a way to exploit it, the system honestly needs to be molded to what the ai will do the best with as the people will always do alot better at adapting. Between this and the several ways to buff pop assembly speed for robots (as well as machine intelligences not caring about planet capacity when assembling pops), machine empires can keep up. If you are just starting your empire avoid research and culture buildings and go for energy grids, robot assembly plants, and alloy plants. Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3. If you want to play a Machine Empire with a special starting world, you could pick the origin that starts you on a Machine world. Ok, let's do the math here. Acquire nihilistic acquisition (requires apocalypse dlc) and then try to fight long wars where you capture as many pops as possible. S. If it makes any kind of difference, I'm on the shattered ring origin. Oh ok got it. Between 1 and 0. Snapshot from the Stellaris Wiki Only reason you'd go pass level 2 is because you're role playing. I've almost mastered the planetary management and, usually, by mid-game I begin. Except for a handful to appease the science faction. Ruler. Precinct. 7 (Seoo I) = 40. 1 that kicks in at amenities > 5. Let's assume you have all the low hanging fruits, i. )Galactic Paragons Expansion Features. To conquer a planet, you'll need Assault Armies. (The mod assumes the default game setting value of 1. r/Stellaris • Federations need to be removed from the Diplomacy tree. This leaves you with empty specialist job slots and unemployed slaves even though there's no reason for this to. I believe robots come in 3 levels, robots, droids, synths. I could be wrong about the high expense. The shipset does not have NSC classes. Though I would like to once again say that Charismatic/Repugnant makes little sense to affect amenities, even less to affect amenities in a Hive Mind, and Emulators/Uncanny makes NO sense to affect amenities in a Machine Intelligence. - 2x if has ascension perk Master Builders. Generally speaking, yes, if you see a planet with at least decent habitability, colonize it. I do however think robots need a rework. Early game they can only do food and minerals but as soon as you get droids they can do most jobs. Nanites and Zro make it a science Hab. updates the planetary capital, this also gives you amenities job, from there some city districts if needed for building slots and more amenites. It is available only if have the Utopia DLC for the biological empire or "Synthetic Dawn" if you want a machine one: Then on the right, under "Authority" you can select are you a machine or biological hive mind. . Now let's mention that I am in no way stating that this is the absolute best type of way to play a race, this is just my take on Hive Mind, and how it helped me to master the basics of Stellaris.